Get the Character’s Eyes You Want with Daiso’s False Eyelashes! 【Tips to Choose Ones】

Hi, this is Asuka Tsuzuki, a cosplayer and a makeup artist!

Do you apply false eyelashes when you cosplay?
Some people may not be sure about what kind of them to choose.
This time, I will be lecturing how to choose one and the comparison.

The Point to Choose False Eyelashes

First, let’s start checking the point to choose false eyelashes.
Basically, choose one that fits the shape of your eyes.

For instance, long eyelashes would suit fancy characters like a princess.
Choose short and natural ones for a simple high school girl, ones that have thick volumes at the corner of an eye for up-angle eyed characters, or ones that have volumes at the position of the iris for round-eyed characters.

We can now choose “partial false eyelashes” with which you can make a volume at any part of your eyes you want.

Anyway, first check the shape of the eyes of a character you want to cosplay.

How to Apply False Eyelashes


We somehow do not get a lesson about how to apply false eyelashes by anyone.
Let me explain the steps one by one.

【1】Finish Eye Makeup First

Many people may have the question “When is the best timing to apply false eyelashes?”
It is after finishing the eye makeup, which means, after applying eyeliner and eyeshadows.

【2】Curl Your Own Lashes

Apply an eye curler to lightly curl up your own eyelashes.

【3】Take Off a Set of False Eyelashes from the Pasted Board

They are securely fastened to the pasted board. For avoiding damaging to them, I recommend using tweezers to take them off.

【4】Identify the Location of the Corner of Your Eyes

In case of cosplay makeup, you may draw the eyeliner longer than the actual width of your eyes.
Determine the end point of the corner of your eyes where you want to apply false eyelashes first.
If the false eyelashes are too long, it is okay to cut off in the size of the width of your eyes.

【5】Apply the Dedicated Glue

There is one attached with the package, but I do recommend using this one:

Apply and lightly dry the glue on the root of the false eyelashes.

【6】Attach the False Eyelashes from the Inner Corner of Your Eye

Attach the false eyelashes from the inner corner of your eye to fit with the top of your own eyelashes.
It may be easier for some people to do this process by using tweezers.
Depending on the shape of the eye that you want to make, it is also an idea to apply them above the position of your own eyelashes.
So, try some different ways.

【7】Apply Mascara

From the bottom to the above, apply mascara to stick your own eyelashes and false ones together. This makes the false eyelashes blend naturally with your own ones.

Let’s Also Apply False Eyelashes for Crossdressing as a Man

You may come up with female characters for false eyelashes, but this actually is useful for crossdressing as a man.

For example, for those who have a single-eyelid or hidden double-eyelid, applying false eyelashes can emphasize their eyeliner and naturally make their eyes look bigger.
Even for those who have a sharp double-eyelid, in case they want to make them up-angle or much sharper, it can create differences due to an optical illusion by using it.

Recommended Manufacturers of False Eyelashes

I would tell you the truth:
It’s basically enough to get one at a 100 Yen Shop.

Even if they are sold in the shop, they are recently in high-quality and so versatile, and there are a variety of types! 

This time, I would like to compare some false eyelashes in 100 Yen Shops, at the same time, introduce how to apply this comparison to cosplay makeup.



A Crossed Type

The tip of the eyelashes is crossed.
Although it lacks naturalness of the look, it can casually decorate your eyes.

Here is the cosplay makeup using them:

The left is makeup for male characters, and the right is one for female ones.

Both eyelashes are casually applied and are satisfactory as a reinforcement of eyeliner.
In my opinion, it would be much better if there are more volumes on them for girl characters, but for male characters, this is well enough.

A Straight Type

This one is straightly long, so you can recreate long eyelashes naturally.

For the length, this may be suitable for sexy or androgynous-looking male characters.
It would be much more useful to cut off the tips.
For female characters, the shape can apply to both up-angled eyes and droopy eyes.
By applying this only on a part above the pupil, it can make your eyes look much bigger.

A High Volume Type

This one is just so gorgeous.
It is crossed and long, which makes your eyes brilliant.

Honestly, this would not be suitable for male characters, for its curls which makes your eyes look girlish anyhow.

A Cat Eye Type

This one has volumes on the outer corner, which is suitable for cat eyes or up-angled eyes.

This one is a type with strong curls, which would not be very suitable for male characters.
However, it can be applicable to up-angled eyes enough by straightening it using hair straightener.
For girl characters, it can be applied to casual cat eyes or up-angled eyes.

A Natural Eye Type

This one look so natural! You may want to use it ordinarily without eyelash extensions.
This focuses on increasing density of eyelashes, rather than extending the length.

This is perfectly matched with both male and female characters!
It can be casually applied well for female characters, especially for neatly dressed girls.



Other than ones from Daiso, there are more false eyelashes from Asssist Wig, a brand specialized for cosplay makeup goods.

I actually have never tried this one before, so now is the time to try one for me.
Assist Wig Official Site:

This one is truly straight and long!

Ideal false eyelashes for male characters are in straight typed without any curls, so this one is perfect.
If it is too long for you, you can cut off in a length you want and apply it to your makeup.

Even though it is not specialized for female characters, you can also use it by curling it up with an eyelash curler.

Can We Use It Multiple Times!? How to Cleanse False Eyelashes

Don’t you throw your false eyelashes into trash after using them only once?
They actually can be used multiple times depending on how to take care of them.
Previously, it used to be ordinary that false eyelashes from Daiso are single-use.
However, their quality has been getting much better with technological progress, so they can be reused by taking off the glue and keeping them cleanly.
Some of them are produced to be exactly single-use, so please read the instructions carefully on the package before use.


Now let me introduce how to cleanse false eyelashes.

【1】Wipe Off a Makeup from False Eyelashes

Take a makeup remover on a cotton pad, then gently remove the false eyelashes’ glue, mascara, and eyeshadows.
Beware of pressuring them to avoid picking out the lash.

【2】Dry Them Enough

Make sure to dry them enough and check if there is no unremoved makeup.

【3】Keep Them in a Case

As they are for applying on your own eyelashes, they should be always clean!
Make sure to keep it in a dedicated case.
Cases are available in Daiso as well, so check and utilize them.


  • Select false eyelashes depending on a character you want to cosplay.
  • Take them off from the case gently and apply them, starting from the inner corner of your eyes with the dedicated glue
  • Those from Daiso can be utilized for cosplay makeup
  • They can be used multiple times by cleansing them in a correct way

The ones introduced today are only just a small fraction of them!
Many kinds are sold in other stores as well, so for those who have not got used to wear them, please refer to this article and do your own cosplay makeup in a way you want.
Depending on how to apply the technique to wear them, your level of cosplay gets higher!